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RingRoad Logistics

Investigating the effect of dynamic priority lanes for freight (DPLF) in terms of efficiency on existing infrastructure, and to prepare for a full scale demonstration.

The purpose of this project was to investigate the effect of dynamic priority lanes for freight (DPLF), both looking at the efficiency of the use of existing infrastructure, and preparing for a full-scale demonstration.The hypothesis of this project was that both economic and environmental benefits can be achieved by giving freight vehicles priority during certain traffic conditions. A cost-benefit analysis was conducted on a case including dynamic priority lane for freight, but also investigating the incentives, technical aspects and regulatory elements to consider for demonstration and long-term implementation.

Work packages

- Project coordination
- Simulation
- Time evaluation of freight transport (criteria for sustainable freight transport & value of time and reliability)
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Technology and service development
- Regulation and incentives
- Demonstration preparation


Selected results

Value of Travel Time & Reliability
Estimates of Value of Travel Time VTT (18-930 SEK/h) and Value of Reliability VoR (1-47SEK/10min reduction) vary by industry sector and vehicle size.

All freight priority
In 2018, the “All freight priority scenario” gives a the max benefitof 7244 SEK/day (for the simulated 8-km three lane stretch of E6 north of Gbg) and the “Truck priority scenario” (no trucks with trailers) gives the min benefit of 1972 SEK/day. In 2040, with increased buss traffic, the opposite is true.

Prioritised Lane Sharing
Increased sharing of prioritised lane fills lane up to maximum capacity (during rush hours) which also makes getting on and off the motorway difficult and leads to congestion for passenger cars for both traffic demands in 2018 & 2040.

Optimal Benefit
To achieve optimal benefit one must balance between the unused capacity in the priority lane and the number of trucks that are let into the lane. Simulations are needed for each setting and scenario.



Belongs to: Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL)
Last changed: Apr 20, 2021
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