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Automated Vehicle Traffic Control Tower: Phase 2

The Automated Vehicle Traffic Control Tower: Phase 2 continues our work on the effects of automation on vehicle and traffic management of commercially operated fleets and public transport. 


ITRL Contact: Rami Darwish

Program: End-to-End Freight Transport

Time period: 2019 - 2021

Funded by: Drive Sweden

Partners: Trafikverket, Carmenta, Volvo, Ericsson, Scania, Telia

Following in the footsteps of our successful preliminary study , the Automated Vehicle Traffic Control Tower (AVTCT) Phase 2 continues the development of the testbed initiated in the pre-study phase. The development of the control tower testbed starts from the research results of the AVTCT1 pre-study project and aims at achieving an end-to-end cross-layer testbed featuring both physical and virtual components. Moreover, academic research will utilize this testbed to increase the knowledge about how a control tower can improve the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of automated vehicles.

The focus of this phase of the project includes:

  • The architecture of a system with automated vehicles and one or several control towers, including responsibilities and information flows.
  • Investigating the requirements on cellular connectivity, computational infrastructure, and sensors in the traffic tower environment, in order to guarantee the performance of the AVTCT operation
  • Increasing knowledge about human interaction with the system at different levels and for different tasks, by utilizing the testbed for experiments and simulation.
  • The role of Traffic control tower within the transportation system.

The AVTCT2 project started in 2019 and lasts for two years. This project is funded by Drive Sweden, a strategic innovation program that supports progress towards a transportation system for people and goods that makes use of automation, digitalization and services.

The project partners represent cross sector cooperation comprising industry, academia, and public authorities. Throughout this project, the partners seek to further research and foster the innovation of the control tower concept for automated vehicles. The project is coordinated by KTH/ITRL and partners include KTH-Mobile services lab, Ericsson, Scania, Volvo, Carmenta, and Trafikverket.


KTH Video of 5G Launch:

Project partners:

The project is funded by

ITRL's Automated Vehicle Traffic Control Tower at "Smartare Industri"

The Automated Vehicle Traffic Control Tower was presented at "Smartare Industri" at Munchen Bryggeriet in Stockholm. "Smartare Industri" is a meeting place for those who work with development in small to large industrial companies in Sweden.

Belongs to: Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL)
Last changed: Dec 18, 2024
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