ABE Södertörn
Autonomous Electrified Busses Södertörn aims to provide suggestions on how future self-driving electric buses can be utilized in a socio-economic and environmentally sustainable solution for future public transport in line with the Agenda 2030 goals.

The work is being carried out as a case study for Tvärförbindelse (cross-connection) Södertörn, planned 2025-2030. Although results are based on one specific road segment, the ambition is to provide general knowledge and suggestions on scalable measures that are also suitable for other road sections. The timeline for the project is February 2020 – December 2021.
The project focuses on the following four areas:
1. Physical and digital transport infrastructure that enables electric powered self-driving
full-size buses as an integrated part of a sustainable transport system.
2. How new technologies such as increased automation of vehicles and digital solutions affect the role of the Swedish Transport Agency (Trafikverket) as a road owner, and estimation of costs for new infrastructure measures due to electric and self-driving buses.
3. Design and incentives at multimodal hubs that actively support a transition to fossil-free vehicle fleets and a sustainable transport system.
4. The effects of electrically powered self-driving full-size buses on a system level, as well as the measures needed to make the solutions sustainable and contribute to Agenda 2030.
Documents & Publications
- ABE Södertörn Final Report (pdf 2.3 MB)
- Frameworks for assessing societal impacts of automated driving technology (Transportation Planning and Technology Volume 45, 2022 - Issue 7)
- Time over treasure: The surprising economics of self-driving buses (on theacademic.com)

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