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Electrification of the Handling of Building Material in the City

Swedish cities have problems with air pollution from diesel engines used in road traffic and work machines. Development needs to increase to reach the target, 70% reduction of emissions in 2030 from domestic transport.

Electrification of the handling of building material in the city

(Elektrifiering av tätorternas masshanering)

Start date: 2020-01-01

End date: 2020-06-01

Project Overview

A technique for reducing emissions is the electrification of diesel-powered engines. A prerequisite for electrification of workplaces is a well-functioning electricity supply and charging infrastructure. The preliminary study aims to provide the basis for innovative solutions linked to industry-relevant research. Studies on the construction industry vehicles and work machines and their joint energy supply through electrification are in focus as the project's interest is to develop sustainable and energy efficient transport for road and work vehicles in the urban area. Ecoloop and KTH will study solutions where the entire value chain participates. The study will lead to research on both electricity, charging infrastructure, user behavior and the basis for future procurement.

Project Division

The project is divided into 3 work packages as follows:

  1. Benchmarking by interviews, mapping of existing and potential technologies, state of the art analysis etc.
  2. Comparison of electric and diesel machines for energy efficiency and environmental effects.
  3. Identification of research questions for future scenarios
  4. Communication for dissemination of results.

Current Achievements

  1. Interviews with multiple stakeholders
  2. Identification of stakeholder concerns in the context of electrification of the construction industry.
  3. Listing of research questions interesting for phase 2.

Project leader:  Ecoloop

Project coordinator from ITRL: Tahir Qureshi

Partners / Reference Group: Scania CV AB, Maskinmekano, Vattenfall, Förvaltning för Utbyggd Tunnelbana, City of Stocholm

Project financed by:  Energimyndigheten

Belongs to: Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL)
Last changed: Apr 20, 2021
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