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Electrified transport in South Stockholm

The purpose of the project was to execute a pre-study for electrified hub-based transports where different transport modes and concepts are combined in ordered to capture enhanced benefits at the system level. The goal was to evaluate practices, collaborations, innovations and investments that contribute to the national goals of reduced emissions.


ITRL Contact:  Adam Uhrdin

Time period: Dec 2020 – Aug 2022

Financed by: TripleF

Partners: Catena, DB Schenker, Hitachi ABB, Kilenkrysset, KTH, Nykvarns kommun, Region Stockholm, Scania, SEI, Söderenergi, Södertälje Hamn, Södertälje kommun, Telge Nät, Trafikverket, Volkswagen


The project result show that electrification of heavy transports via the logistic hub Stockholm South would significantly contribute to reach Sweden’s climate goals for the transport sector. KTH main contribution to the project was to map the emerging business ecosystem for electrified transports and identify key bottlenecks that hold back the development of this ecosystem and thus also the transition to electrified transportation. The study show that these bottlenecks are mainly business model related and organizational rather than technical.

Recommendations based on the project outcome is to start implementation on a small scale with electrification of individual routes to test technical solutions and business model arrangements. Large-scale electrification require coordination and planning from the outset to ensure sufficient accessability to power and to maximize the utilization of charging infrastructure.


Delrapport delleverans 3 (pdf 2.6 MB)

Belongs to: Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL)
Last changed: Sep 22, 2022
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