Presentation of ITRL spin-off Gordian at EU project workshop

At an EU project workshop about innovation and entrepreneurship in GeoInformation Technology, ITRL researcher Gyözö Gidofalvi presented the ITRL spin-off ”Gordian”, operating within Mobility analytics, AI and optimization.
At the EU project workshop, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in GeoInformation Technology (GIT), June 19–25, ITRL researcher Gyözö Gidofalvi made a presentation on the topic “KTH Geoinformatics research based startup Gordian – Spatial Decision Support Systems for Transport Electrification”.

Gordian – Spatial Decision Support Systems for Transport Electrification, is a KTH Geoinformatics research based startup, building on research from ITRL and focusing on Mobility analytics, AI and optimization.
The startup offers advice and Software as a service (SaaS) products to help accelerate transport electrification by reducing the costs and risks in transport electrification investments and operations.
Read more on the Gordian project website:
See the full presentation: 2023-06-21 ITRL Geoinfo tracer GORDIAN Innovation and Entrepreneurship in GIT (pdf 5.5 MB)
Gyözö Gidofalvi, Division of Geoinformatics, KTH, is research (Theme / Area) Leader for Transport Electrification and Urban Goods Distribution at ITRL.