ITRL's workshop on trust in a shared mobility future

Tuesday the 20th of February, the Integrated Transport Research Lab at KTH Royal Institute of Technology hosted a workshop on trust in a Shared Mobility future. The workshop was organized in the context of the multi-stakeholder project Test Site Stockholm, funded by Drive Sweden.
An engaging presentation by Maria Klingegård from RISE Viktoria set the stage for our discussions during the workshop in the afternoon sessions. In a ‘World Cafe’ workshop setup, smaller groups discussed different aspects and challenges related to trust in an automated and shared transportation system. Key topics included ‘the individual perception of trust’, ‘ease of mind while planning a travel’, ‘challenges forthcoming from automated and shared mobility’ and ‘means of mitigating these challenges’.
The workshop provided valuable and new perspectives. Some of the key outcomes include, Trust is a multimodal experience and comprises a wide variety of subjective experiences. In relation to Shared mobility, feelings of safety and accountability were often mentioned. Data exchange and transparency is one of the fundaments building trust for service providers and customers. Finally, discussions revolved a lot around the role of the public bodies; they will be able steer adoption, provide assurance and outline a framework on how shared mobility can take place on a city and national level.
These and more findings aspire Test Site Stockholm and their partners to think critically about forms of shared transportation, explore new focus points and by continuously developing Test Site Stockholm work together on a sustainable shared transportation system. With nearly twenty participants from various disciplines and organizations, we can call it a great success.