ITRL at Almedalen
ITRL researchers were present at Almedalen in July to participate in different seminars on the topic of sustainable mobility.
Anna Kramers, PhD and Research Area leader at ITRL and Program manager for Mistra SAMS organized a panel discussion together with Jonas Åkerman on the topic
"Vad ska Google och Baidu styra i trafiksystemet? Vilken är det offentligas roll?"
with Daniel Helldén (Mp), Trafikborgarråd, Stockholm stad, Kristoffer Tamsons (M), Trafiklandstingsråd, Stockholms läns landsting, Darja Isaksson, Generaldirektör på Vinnova (från 20 aug) and Roberto Maiorana, chef verksamhetsområde Trafikledning på Trafikverket. She also made a short presentation and took part in a panel discussion at OKQ8 breakfast seminar about the “
Future of mobility
” with autonomous cars. Anna presented four future scenarios about possible developments from ITRLs project
. She also participated in a panel discussion with the title “
Vetenskap vs politik – en miljöutfrågning
” where researchers interviewed politicians and vice versa on the topic of sciences and politics when it comes to environmental issues, with the following participants: Mikael Salo, chefredaktör och moderator, Aktuell Hållbarhet, Karolina Skog, miljöminister, Miljöpartiet, Åsa Westlund, ordförande miljö- och jordbruksutskottet, Socialdemokraterna, Lars Tysklind, miljötalesperson, Liberalerna, Mikael Karlsson, miljöforskare, KTH, Göran Finnveden, professor, KTH, Åsa Svenfelt, docent, KTH, Anna Kramers, miljöforskare, KTH and Mattias Höjer, professor, KTH.
Joram Langbroek, PhD Student at ITRL took part in a presentation on the potential of large scale introduction of electric taxis. Considering that 1/3 of the taxi float is changed every year, there is great potential for introducing more environmental-friendly vehicles on the large scale. This seminar looked at the opportunities and the challenges of a large scale introduction of electric vehicles in a car-intensive sector, such as the need for suitable charging infrastructure. But this seminar along like the numerous others on the theme that tool place at Almedalen showed that the electric vehicle is not a niche anymore but that many actors of the public and private sectors want to be part of the transition towards more environmental friendly vehicles.