ITRL and Test Site Stockholm at the Drive Sweden Annual Meeting

Test Site Stockholm as an active and strategic project within Drive Sweden attended the annual Drive Sweden meeting with our own TSS-stand. In addition, ITRL was present as a key partner and contributed with a presentation by Anna Pernestål Brenden on the multi-stakeholder project KOMPIS. In KOMPIS we are both the project leaders as well actively involved in the research on Mobility as a Service through combined modes of transportation. There was also a presentation about the Autopiloten project, where ITRL is a research partner tasked with evaluating social and behavioral effects as well as user studies on automated vehicles and other road users.
With attendants from across industry and research institutes, the annual meeting was well crowded. A clear interest exists in these meetings, to foster or start new collaborations between industry, academia and governing entities. An often-heard comment was the importance of closer collaborations between cities and OEMs. Automation, electrification and connectivity are clearly focal points shared by all partners, and we can expect major progress in the upcoming year. Challenges remain for the future of which among the integration of mobility services and data sharing. The success of ongoing projects within Drive Sweden clearly shows that Sweden is at the forefront of innovation with its triple-helix collaboration model.