Postdoc Position in Sustainable Mobility
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, working closely with ITRL, is looking for a post doc in Sustainable Mobility: Stakeholders, Synergies, and Upscaling
The Department of Urban Planning and Environment is seeking a PhD-qualified researcher to take a leading role in key parts of two ongoing research projects. It is a position based at the Division for Systems Analysis and Economics (SAE) but will also involve close work with ITRL. The selected candidate will participate in two projects, one entitled "CIVITAS ECCENTRIC", an EU Horizon 2020 framework programme project, the other “Toward Sustainable Electric Vehicle Use”, funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
If you have a PhD in civil engineering, urban planning, sustainability policy, environmental planning, or other field related to the projects, or know somebody who may be interested in the post, please find out more , or share.