Imagination, implementation, implication – Towards an introduction of driverless trucks in Sweden?
As self-driving technology progresses the possibility to bring driverless trucks to our roads no longer feels like science-fiction. Are we heading towards a large scale implementation of driverless trucks? What does it mean and what are the obstacles we need to deal with?
Time: Tue 2021-11-23 08.30 - 09.30
Location: Zoom (Link will be sent out to registered participants)
While the hype for driverless cars have cooled during the last years, there has been a growing interest for driverless vehicles in road freight transport. We see ambitious plans in pilot projects and at companies, both in Sweden and in other parts of the world in bringing driverless trucks to our roads, it now seems possible that a large-scale introduction of driverless trucks could take place in a not too distant future. This could significantly change the freight transport system.
In this seminar, we will discuss the implementation and implications of driverless trucks. Key results will be presented from the ITRL and VTI project “ System-level impacts of self-driving vehicles ”, financed by the Swedish Transport Administration, which investigated the potential impacts of an introduction of driverless trucks on the Swedish transport system.
The Swedish Transport Administration will join us to give their view on some of the planning and infrastructure considerations, we have also invited Scania who will present their perspective.
Register at the bottom of this page.

Anna Pernestål, Head of Strategic Partnerships at E-mobility Scale-up at Scania Group, Senior researcher at ITRL.
Long-term system impacts of driverless trucks

Albin Engholm, PhD Student at ITRL.
Albin Engholm is a PhD student at the Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL), KTH. He holds an M.Sc. in sociotechnical systems engineering from Uppsala University and has previously worked in the renewable energy sector. His PhD project is on long-term impacts of driverless vehicles on the transport system and society with a focus on freight transport.
Albin's licentiate thesis "Driverless trucks in the Swedish freight transport system"
The Swedish Transport Administration’s view on infrastructure adaptation for automated vehicles

Peter Smeds, Senior Advisor at the Swedish Transport Administration.
Peter Smeds has studied mechanical engineering at Dalarna University. For ten years Peter has worked as a development engineer within Volvo Cars in Gothenburg and in Phoenix Arizona with a speciality in exhaust aftertreatment diagnostics. During this time Peter has filed for patent within the field. For twelve year Peter has worked for the Swedish Transport Administrations planning division, with a focus on vehicles and environment impact and digitalization of the transport system.
Grön transportkorridor digitalisering väg 372, Bergsbyn-Skelleftehamn

Commercialising Autonomous Hub-to-Hub Transport
James Cooper, Business Owner Autonomous Hub-to-hub at Scania