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Supporting public decision making under deep uncertainty by Jan Kwakkel

With great pleasure, we would like to invite you to a special seminar on supporting public decision-making under deep uncertainty by Jan Kwakkel.

Time: Wed 2024-12-11 09.00 - 10.00

Location: ITRL Drottning Kristinas Väg 40

Video link:

Language: English

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Jan Kwakkel is a professor of decision-making in deep uncertainty. His research interest is model-based support for decision-making under deep uncertainty. His research focuses on developing and testing innovative model-based techniques for the design of dynamic adaptive policy pathways. Within this, he is particularly interested in how to bring moral considerations into the quantitative analysis. He has applied his research in various domains including climate adaptation, flood risk management, transport and logistics, resource economics, and national safety and security. He is the lead developer of an open-source workbench for exploratory modeling, scenario discovery, and multi-objective robust optimization.

Jan will be visiting KTH and ITRL as an opponent for Albin Engholm's PhD defense on Automated driving in road freight transport – On system-level impacts, policy implications, and the role of uncertainty