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Webinar on Sustainable Urban Freight in Stockholm: Research results from the HITS project

Vision of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Transport Systems.

In this webinar, researchers involved in the HITS (Sustainable and Integrated Urban Transport Systems) project will be presenting and discussing midterm research results on the topic of Sustainable Urban Freight.

Time: Wed 2023-10-25 14.00 - 17.00

Location: ITRL, KTH Main Campus, Drottning Kristinas väg 40

Video link:

Language: Engelska

Participating: Dr. Peter Georen, KTH

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The HITS project aims to accelerate the development of an efficient and sustainable urban freight transport system. In this seminar midtern research results based on the following topics will be presented:

  • System-level aspects when introducing new urban logistic concepts
  • Collaborative innovation, an important component in introducing new urban logistic solutions
  • Innovative vehicle concepts for urban logistics
  • Logistics patterns and travel demand case studies in Stockholm
  • Logistic performance case studies in Stockholm

Read more about the HITS project: HITS 2024


Michael Browne

Professor of logistics and urban freight transport, Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg.

Michael Brown's research focus is urban logistics and he provides academic leadership to the Urban Freight Platform, a University of Gothenburg and Chalmers Institute of Technology initiative supported by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations. He is committed to engaging industry and policymakers with the research community on the interaction between urban goods transport and future city planning.

Photo of Michael Browne
Michael Browne

Magnus Blinge

Senior researcher, Innovation office Scania.

Magnus Blinge is Research Manager of Future Transport Systems at the Innovation Office at Scania CV with a focus on Urban logistics. He is also appointed to the European technology platform ALICE working group on Urban Logistics as Vice Chair. Magnus also holds a position as Adjunct Professor of Sustainable Logistics at The Division of Logistics and Quality Management at Linköping University, Sweden.

Photo of Magnus Blinge
Magnus Blinge

Henrik Gillström

Assistant Univeristy Lecturer, Logistics and Quality Management.

Henrik is a logistics researcher that targets sustainability of logistics systems. Focus of his research has been intersection between urban logistics and business models, customer requirements, value creation, and stakeholder perspectives.

Photo of Henrik Gillström
Henrik Gillström

Birgit Hendriks

CEO and co-founder of Eco2city.

Birgit Hendriks is cofounder and CEO of Eco2city. Eco2city aims at reducing negative impact of urban freight traffic by inventing and implementing new concepts on city logistics. Birgit developed the Dutch Binnenstadservice, the concept of the Freight Circle (neighbourhood distribution combined with urban mining) and the Triple X – Triple P vision on optimising city logistics.

The newest project Birgit is working on is establishing circular city logistic hubs. The goal is to create zero emission city logistics for the first and the last mile of freight, combined in one route to avoid empty driving and optimize the use of (expensive) electric vehicles. 

Photo of Birgit Hendriks
Birgit Hendriks

Webinar Agenda

14:00 Opening presentation "HITS project and research overview” by coordinator Dr. Peter Georen, KTH

14:10 Keynote: “Sustainable Urban Freight- Learnings from years of work in the Netherlands”, Birgit Hendricks, Eco2City

14:40 "Freight Distribution Travel Demand Assessment - Arenastaden Study Case", Dr. Helry Dias, KTH

15:00  “Urban freight sustainability performance and improvement potential – Stockholm city NoHa area case study”, Dr. Sebastian Bäckström, IVL

15:20 Short Break

15:30 "A Comparative Study between Emerging and Conventional Heavy-duty Road Transport Vehicles in Urban Logistics”, Raphael Andreolli, PhD-student KTH/Scania

15:50 “City hubs system dynamics model - A case study in Stockholm”, Claudia Andruetto, PhD-student, KTH

16:10- 16:40: Panel discussion

16:40- 17:00: Q&A from audience and concluding remarks

Link to the webinar registration: Sustainable Urban Freight in Stockholm: Research results from the HITS-project

Seminar poster in PDF-format: HITS webinar poster (PDF) (pdf 462 kB)


Peter Georén
Peter Georén researcher
Bhavana Vaddadi
Bhavana Vaddadi postdoc